Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Lives: Our Needs: Day 4

Check In and Debrief:

Writing Prompt:

List the top 10 reasons you feel there is so much violence in the world. (i.e.: war, genocide, bombs, guns, gangs, police beat downs, fights)

Copy the following 6 Causes of Violence

1. lack of connectedness

2. loss of family support and control

3. erosion of values

4. alcohol and other drugs

5. problems in the school

6. violence in the media

Discussion and Group Work


Homework: Two paragraphs in complete sentences
Do you feel there is a possibility for peace and justice in the world, or do you feel your children will face the same amount of violence you have, or even more?

Provide personal examples or reasons in your answer. There is no right or wrong answer, they are YOUR feelings.

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